Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hour 1 Update

Book: One of Our Thursdays is Missing by Jasper Fforde
This is actually a re-read from several years ago, but since I'm reading the new one today, I needed a refresher. Hopefully that means it'll go fast!
Pages: 44

Books Completed: 0/10
Challenges Completed: 0/10
Comments Left By Me: 0/25
Miles Biked: 0/20

I spent most of the hour trying to figure out why my blog wasn't publishing the way it should and seeing if I could resurrect my computer for use today. It's already getting really hot, so we'll see how long it lasts. A mini-challenge is up, so I should go do that! I'll also be getting breakfast soon. I'm thinking all-you-can-eat cinnamon french toast at my local Kneaders...

For more liveblogging fun, feel free to follow me on Twitter. #readathon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your computer cooperates and enjoy reading. It's all about having fun!